Custom Website Solutions from Eye9 Design
When out of the box WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and Magento websites don’t fit your business its time to customize. The truth is, every website has some level of customization, but what we are talking about here is unique and custom functionality that isn’t available in any pre-built modules. Shouldn’t custom web design be all about taking the very best of what’s possible and available on the Internet today and shaping every available resource toward your business goals… and not the other way around?
Many web design agencies offer custom websites but behind the smoke and mirrors are a number of pre-made plugins. At the surface this isn’t a big deal but at Eye9 we don’t charge custom programming prices for putting together already made modules. Building custom websites is complex, requires a very talented group of programmers and must meet your business needs.

At eye9 we think custom shouldn’t be a buzzword, but a promise to put our clients first. That’s why we begin every new project with an in-depth consultation, and then follow a process designed to help us find and meet your needs at every stage:
Detailed research and analysis. We can’t build your custom website until we know your business, your goals, and even the challenges you are facing. For that reason, every project needs to begin with detailed research and analysis so we can determine where you’re at and where our work can take you.
Plugin Identification (or Not). Our number one goal is to make sure our customers website leads them to success. Our first preference is to use plugins or modules if, and only if, they fit the needs of the website. When a standard module wont work, we are happy to do the heavy lifting to make a custom module or website built specifically for the task at hand.
Testing and refinement. The risk of using a custom website or custom plugin is that it can be prone to error and needs extensive testing and refinement. It is important that we spend the appropriate amount of time validating the functionality of the customized work. This is where we go from good to great, and it’s all about the attention to the details to ensure our custom development goes off without a hitch.
Our standard web development services fit 90% of our customers needs and is something we are very good at. In the 10% of sites that need something more – a custom solution, a web service outside of the box, or customized programming – we provide high quality programming services. If you want something truly innovative and not just another iteration of the “standard website”, you need the right custom web design agency on your site.
Make the smart choice for your business and reach out to Eye9 Design today for a free consultation to discuss your needs.